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Morgan’s Property Maintenance’s Story

The story of Morgan’s Property Maintenance began at an early age when we found a passion and talent for providing high-quality property maintenance services in the Rutledge, Tennessee area as well as Jefferson County, Hamblen County, and Knox County. Early on, many other property maintenance companies tried to out-compete and out-perform us. Our exceptional attention to detail and reliability has allowed us to gain a foothold and expand to the extent where we can offer a wide range of professional-level Hardscapes, landscape design, Brush Clearing and power washing services.

gravel ground cover

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide top-notch lawn maintenance to you, no matter what. We believe in providing a higher level of service than many other lawn maintenance companies. We show up on time. We give you direct and honest advice, never beating around the bush (pun intended). Most importantly, we insist on quality. That means that we treat every lawn as an opportunity to show you the exceptional set of property maintenance skills we have developed.

Values We Live By

Our business focuses on four core values that we believe set us apart from the competition. Every customer we meet and every property we maintain is a testament to our commitment to:


We always focus on taking actions that benefit our business, our clients, and our community all at the same time.


We insist on telling you the truth every step of the way, never bending the truth to make an extra buck.


We show up on time, every time. You count on us to do the work you expect when you expect it.


There’s no substitute for quality. Nothing can compare to a masterfully maintained property.

Schedule a Free Consultation Today!

We want you to feel comfortable in your choice of a property maintenance team. You can count on receiving reliable and high-quality services every step of the way. We start off our relationship with every property owner with a free consultation. This appointment allows you to meet us, and it gives us a chance to show you all the improvements we can make to your property. Schedule your free consultation today!

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