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Weekly is best. Bi-weekly at a minimum. It all depends of the variety of grass and how fast it grows.

You should never cut more than a 1/3rd off of the grass blade as this can stress the plant and make it susceptible to issues.

This depends where you live. Usually 1 – 2 times a week is okay. Your lawn will tell you if it is thirsty because the blades will start to fold in half to save water. In addition, your footprints will remain visible when stepping on the lawn. If you notice this, you may need to water more frequently.

Early morning between 6:00-10:00 am is best, as wet grass in the hot afternoon sun can burn. Early morning water allows excess water to evaporate and prevents mildew and fungus growth.

Power washing is most frequently used to clean concrete and remove mold, stuck on residues, and stains. We use it on wooden decks to clean off sludge and slurry and return the wood to its original vibrant color, or on homes to remove signs of pollution, mildew, and so on.

Besides the obvious visual signs, to keep your home looking its best, we recommend two times a year.

Power washing is exactly that – powerful. If you don’t know what you are doing you may cause more harm than good. We understand what pressure will be the correct one to use, how to prepare the surface to be washed, the right nozzle or spray angles and the correct technique.

Landscape design is an art. It is the creation of exterior living spaces that meet your needs. A true professional can look at your space and determine the best elements to use to bring out the beauty and utility of it.

Yes. We will visit your home.  Listen to what you have in mind/your vision for your space and offer garden advice such as plants to choose, layouts and plant suggestions, water features, lighting, and hardscapes. We consider how the seasons or sun exposure will affect your space, how you intend to use it and so on.

Your home purchase was probably the biggest investment you have ever made. Your exterior space is an important extension of your home value. It helps you make the most of all the space you have paid for so that you can get the maximum bag for your buck. Landscaping improves the curb appeal of your home and make it distinct from other homes near you. This will help you sell. First impressions are important.

Bush hogging, otherwise known as brush hogging, brush cutting or rough-cut mowing, is a form of landscaping that eliminates heavy brush in order to prepare land for farming, hunting, development, and a variety of other uses.

Essentially, brush clearing is the removal of vegetation and other obstacles from a plot of land. If a property hasn’t seen any use in a long time, it will often become overgrown with local weeds, grasses, and even groupings of small trees.

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