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Pressure & Soft Wash Services in and Around Morristown, TN

Some surfaces outside of your home seem impossible to clean. No matter how much you spray and scrub the cement walkways and siding on your home, it always seems like there is a layer of caked-on grime holding on. We can take care of that for you. Morgan’s Property Maintenance offers professional Power and soft washing services. can restore concrete sidewalks, driveways, select housing exteriors and More.


Our Power & Soft Wash Services

Concrete Sidewalks

Power washing is excellent for concrete sidewalks and walkways. It’s said that your walkways make the first impression on visitors as they arrive at your property. So, why shouldn’t you roll out the red carpet for them by providing them with the cleanest sidewalks they’ve ever seen? When we are done power washing your walkways, your guests just might think that you had brand new concrete poured just for their arrival.

Concrete Driveways

Your driveway accumulates a lot of wear and tear. From oil stains to the abuse of the elements, it’s difficult to maintain a driveway. Over time, it becomes polka-dotted with spills, stains, chewing gum, and other debris stuck in the cracks and crevices. Power washing can blast away these contaminants, even when they are tightly stuck to your concrete surface. We use specialized nozzles, pressures, and angles to get every last spot that is dirtying the surface of your driveway.

Power Washing Housing

Power washing your home’s exterior is the quickest and most effective way to give it a brand-new look. Some surfaces used on home exteriors cannot be safely power washed, like brick. However, traditional vinyl siding responds to power washing very well. You may think that your home’s siding color is fading or becoming dull. Often, all it needs is a thorough power washing, where we blast away years (and sometimes decades) of filth that has accumulated on the outside of your home. When we’re done, you’ll be amazed that your home can look so good with a single cleaning.

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